Site data path page

The site data path page shows the path on the Ensim Pro server where site-related data is stored. By default, this is C:\Program Files\Ensim\WEBppliance\SiteData\. Data is stored in this directory in a folder called Domains. The system creates the Domains folder automatically.

You can change the site data path as needed. When the site data path is changed, data for new sites is placed in a folder called Domains folder at the specified path.

When you change the site data path, data for existing sites is not automatically moved to the new directory. You cannot use the service provider control panel to move site data already stored in the C:\Program Files\Ensim\WEBppliance\SiteData\ directory.

How to get to the site data path page

  1. On the top navigation bar, click server.

  2. Click the site data path tab.

  3. Click edit site data path.