Reseller services page
The reseller services page shows the services that have been sold to the reseller. The resources available for each service are shown on the reseller resources page.
On this page you can perform several tasks and view the following information:
Service. The name of the service purchased.
Version. The version of the service.
Remove services by selecting the service, then clicking remove on the action bar. You can remove a service from a reseller only if the service has not been provisioned to any of the reseller's customers (sites). To remove such a service, you first need to remove the service from the site or reseller.
Add services by clicking add services above the services list. Services are added without server resources. After you add a service, you can sell server resources or capacity to the reseller for that service.
How to get to the reseller services page
On the top navigation bar, click resellers.
On the resellers list, select the reseller whose services you want to view, then click overview on the action bar.
Click the services tab.