Disabling and enabling reseller templates

Reseller templates are enabled when they are added. However, you can disable or enable templates to control access to them as needed.

To disable a template:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click resellers.

  2. Click the templates tab.

  3. Select the template you want to disable, then click overview.

  4. On the Reseller Template Overview page, click Disable.

The reseller template is disabled and its status on the Reseller Templates page is shown as . It no longer appears on the drop-down list of available templates when you add a reseller.

To enable a template:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click resellers.

  2. Click the templates tab.

  3. Select the template you want to enable, then click overview.

  4. On the Reseller Template Overview page, click Enable.

The reseller template is enabled and its status on the Reseller Templates page is shown as . It appears on the drop-down list of available templates when you add a reseller.