Adding IP addresses to scopes
You can add IP addresses when you add scopes and you can add them to existing scopes. IP addresses are allocated from scopes when IP-based sites are created. Scopes and IP addresses are not used when name-based sites are created. If an IP address range is full, however, no additional IP addresses can be added.
To add IP addresses to existing scopes:
Go to the Add IP form. On the top navigation bar, click administration, then click the ip addresses tab. Select a scope, then click list addresses. On the action bar above the scope information form, click Add addresses.
On the IP information form, provide the following information:
From IP Address. The first IP address to add.
To IP address. The last IP address to add.
A maximum of 256 IP addresses can be added to a scope.
Click Add. The IP address is added to the scope. The state of the IP address is listed as available.