Adding a database tool
Database Tools are the Web-based administration tools that allow you to manage your Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or MySQL databases over the Internet.
To add a new custom database tool:
Go to database tools.
On the top navigation bar, click server.
Click the database tools tab.
In the database tools page, click on add a database tool.
In the add database tools page, enter the following information:
tool name. Enter the name for the new custom tool.
You cannot use phpMyAdmin as tool name as this is the default tool provided by Ensim Pro.
tool type. Select the type of database (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or MySQL) used by the tool.
target. Enter the IP address location where the tool is installed.
help target. Enter the IP address location where the help for the tool is installed.
Click on the save button to add the new database tool information to the server.
The new database tool is displayed in the database tools page.