Opening SquirrelMail

You can open SquirrelMail directly from the User Administrator control panel or from any computer with Internet access. When you connect to SquirrelMail directly from the User Administrator control panel, a separate window opens. This makes it possible to use SquirrelMail without logging out of the User Administrator control panel.

To open SquirrelMail from the User Administrator control panel:

  1. In the Shortcuts section of the Home page, click Email Access (Email section).

  2. Click SquirrelMail Interface.

The SquirrelMail login page is displayed and you can log on using your email address and your User Administrator password.

To open SquirrelMail from any computer with Internet access:

  1. Connect to the Internet.

  2. Start a Web browser program.

  3. In the address field of the Web browser, type the following URL:


where <> is the domain name of your site.

The SquirrelMail login page is displayed and you can log on using your email address and your User Administrator password.