Creating content for your Web site

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This is the first step in publishing content to your Web site.

Web site content includes HTML pages and other files that can be displayed by browsers. There are many ways to create this content. The easiest way is to use a Web site authoring tool such as Netscape's Composer (which is free and contained in Netscape Communicator and Netscape Navigator browsers), or to purchase and use Microsoft FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver. These tools write HTML code for you, and using them is similar to using a word processor such as Microsoft Word.

As an alternative, you can create Web pages by writing the HTML code yourself in a text editor program such as Notepad. You can find more information about creating Web pages on the Internet by accessing a search engine, such as and searching for Web Monkey, CNET Web Builder, HTML Goodies, Yale Web Style Guide, or W3C HTML.

Creating a home page

One of the first content pages you need to create is a home page for your site. Your service provider created a default home page for you, and until you change it, this is the page your visitors see when they go to your site, <>. The file name of this default page is index.html.

When you create your new home page, you should name it index.html. When you copy it to your site, it will replace the default index.html page as your home page.

Next step in publishing content:
copy content from your computer to the Web server