Using the dashboard

The Dashboard page allows you to view the configuration settings of your site, and also manage it using a single page.

To go to the Dashboard page:

  1. Log on to site administrator control panel.

  2. On the home page, click the Dashboard tab.

Dashboard options for site administrators


Ensim uses AnnounceIt! to notify you of critical business updates. You can click on the message to view the details.

My Web site category



Unique Page Hits

Displays the number of hits on your Web site on a weekly, monthly, or biannually basis.

Users and Mailboxes Category

Users (Mailboxes):

Displays the total mail boxes used by the users.

Disk Used by Mail :

Displays the total used disk space.

Mails In Queue:

Displays the number of mails in the queue.

Mail Queue Size:

Displays the mail queue size.


Displays the number of aliases.


Displays the number of responders.

Mailing Lists:

Displays the number of mailing lists.


Displays the details of the mail box sizes.

Site Overview category




Displays the general information about your site.

General (Service Status)

Displays the status of the services currently provisioned for your site.


The status of a service is represented by for enabled, and for disabled.

Disk Space (MB)

Displays the total, used, and available hard disk space for your site.

Data Transfer (MB)

Displays the Web and FTP traffic on your site. You can view this information on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.