File Manager overview
The File Manager enables you to manage files and directories that are stored on your site.
These files include scripts and other files used on your Web site, email data, and other files you place on your site. The File Manager displays information, provides access to file-related tasks, and helps you navigate through directories.
To get to the File Manager, in the shortcuts area of the Home page, click Manage Files (File Manager section).
Working with files:
Opening files on your site
Viewing file properties
Changing file permissions
Modifying files on your site
Copying and moving files between directories
Copying files from your site to your workstation
Copying files from your workstation to your site
Removing files from your site
Working with directories:
Opening directories
Viewing properties of directories
Changing directory permissions
Renaming directories
Copying and moving directories
Removing directories
File and directory information
Clipboard commands
Clipboard contents
Upload information
Path:/<name of current directory>. The path name of the directory you are currently viewing. Each directory and subdirectory is separated by /.
Check box. A box you click to select the item. When you click the check box, appears in the box. Any commands you execute in the Commands section, such as Add File(s) to Clipboard or Delete File(s), are applied to the checked items. The Commands section appears below the file and directory information.
Name. The icon and name of the directory or file. In the Name column you can:
Click , , or to access an item's properties. Grayed out icons are symbolic links.
Access directories by clicking directory names.
Download files by clicking file names.
Click go up to the parent (next higher) directory.
Size. The size of the directory or file.
B indicates bytes
KB indicates kilobytes
MB indicates megabytes
Owner. The user to whom the file or directory belongs. This owner can change or remove item; items that belong to Root cannot be changed or removed.
Actions. Commands you can perform on the file or directory. Commands include:
. Edit the file in a text editor. This option is only available if the file is editable in a text editor and if you have write permission for the file.
. Remove the file. This option is only available if you have write permission for the file.
Note: To view permissions, click the icon associated with the file .
Add File(s) to Clipboard. Place a file on the clipboard so that it can be copied to another location on the site. When you click Add File(s) to Clipboard, all files that are selected (files or directories that have in the check box next to their icon) are added to the clipboard.
Delete File(s). Remove files or directories from the site. When you click Delete File(s), all files that are selected (files that have in the check box next to their icon) are removed from the site. To delete a directory check the force box before you click Delete File(s).
Make directory. Create a new directory. Type the name of the directory you want to create, then click Make directory. The new directory is added to the current directory. The current directory is shown toward the top of the page in the Path bar.
Note: This section appears only if you have added a file to the clipboard.
Check box <path and file name>. The check box you click to select the file and the path name to the file on the clipboard.
Clipboard commands:
Copy. Click to copy the selected clipboard contents to the current directory.
Move. Click to move the selected clipboard contents from its present directory to the current directory.
Clear. Click to remove the selected clipboard contents from the clipboard.
Upload file. The file you want to upload, or copy from your computer to your site. To locate a file on your computer, click Browse, select the file, then click Open.
And save as. The name you to give the file. This can be the same as the file's original name or any name you choose, with or without an extension. To upload the file, type a name for the file in the And save as field, then click Upload.
How to get to the File Manager
In the shortcuts area of the Home page, click Manage Files (File Manager section).