About User export
A User export backs up the user configuration information and files owned by the user.
When you export a user, a compressed .gz file is created for each user.
The naming convention of an exported file is as follows: <server_hostname>_<user_name@site_name>_<export_type>_<YYYY>_<Month>_<date>_<Hours>_Minutes>.tar.gz Where: <server_hostname> is the name of the control panel server on which your site is hosted <user_name@site_name> is the name of the user being exported <export_type> indicates the type of export <YYYY>_<Month>_<date>_<Hours>_Minutes> is the time-stamp when the data is exported. For example, exporting a user user1 on the site mysite.com on Jan 06, 2003 at 11.30 creates the following file: example.com_user1@mysite.com_user_2003_January_06_11_30.tar.gz