Configuration page
The Configuration page shows your site's current settings. These settings are established and maintained by your service provider.
Note: Only your service provider can change your site settings.
On this page you can perform several tasks and view the following information:
Site Name. The site name of your site.
Email Contact. The email address to which your service provider sends notifications about your site. These might include disk usage and bandwidth information.
Administrator User Name. Your Site Administrator user name. You use this name to log on to the Site Administrator control panel and services on your site.
Name-based or IP Address. One of the following:
If you have a name-based site, this field displays the IP address of the server on which your site is hosted.
If you have an IP-based site, this field displays the actual IP address of your site.
Disk Space Used/Allocated. The amount of disk space (in megabytes) already in use on your site (Used) in comparison to the total amount of disk space available to your site (Allocated).
Maximum Number of Users. The maximum number of users that you can create on your site.
Services & Options. The services and features available to your site, as configured by your service provider. To change your service options, contact your service provider.
For additional details about services, see accessing and using services.
Check your site's bandwidth usage (if available). This is displayed toward the top in the Services & Options section. Used indicates the amount of bandwidth your site has used during the monitoring period. Threshold indicates the upper limit of bandwidth available to your site.
Preview your Web page content. You can preview Web page content from the Configuration page using the Domain Preview link in the Services & Options section under Web Server. This link makes it possible to preview Web sites that are too new to be available on the Internet (less than 48 hours old).
Access email through SquirrelMail. You can open SquirrelMail to access your email using the Email URL link in the Services & Options section. The link appears toward the bottom of the Configuration page.
How to get to the Configuration page.
In the shortcuts section of the Home page, click Site Information (Tools section).