Review the following important notes before
you import files.
If a file by the
same name, as the one being imported, exists on your server, the existing
file is not replaced or overwritten, in other words, the file is not restored
from the backup.
The import operation
automatically uncompresses the archive and updates your working directories
with the archived content.
Do NOT manually uncompress
the file to make changes to the archived files and upload them again as
a compressed .gz file. If the files in the archive are manually modified,
you cannot import files from the archive again. This is a security measure
to ensure that the archived files are not corrupted by malicious scripts.
When you import a
site, if the server on which the site is being imported uses a MySQL database
having the same name as the one being imported, then the prefix of the
database name is changed. This can make your databases inaccessible. It
is advised that you import the site onto a different server that does
not use a database with the same name.
Also, if the Database Administrator name already exists on the server
where the database is being imported, the name is automatically changed
to ensure uniqueness. You must subsequently change any references to the
old administrator name, otherwise you will be unable to connect to the
Restoring files may
take a long time to complete, depending on the size of the archived files
and the speed of your network connection. FTP is recommended as a faster
and more reliable option when transferring files.