How to use this Help system
This is the main online Help system. To find information quickly, browse the contents at left or use the search and index links above.
To browse through the topics:
In the left pane of the Help system, click to open a book () and display the topics it contains.
In the left pane of the Help system, click to display the contents of a topic in the right pane.
If a book contains sub-books, click any book to open it and view a list of related topics.
To find specific information:
Click , the help icon on any page of the user interface. This opens the context-sensitive Help that provides information about the page.
Search for information in the main Help system. You can search for keywords by clicking Index or Search.
To access the Main Help system, click HELP on the Menu at left, or, when you are a viewing context-sensitive help topic, click View Help Contents.
What do you want to do?
Use the following icons to navigate the Help system:
Display the Help contents in the left pane.
Search for information using the index.
Search for information using keywords.
View terms and definitions in the glossary.
Return to the home page of the Help system.
Print the current page.
Hide the contents and view the topic in the entire window (might not be available through Netscape browsers).