Viewing the new features
WEBppliance includes the following new features:
Ability to auto logon as the Site Administrator
You can now log on as the Site Administrator for a site from within the Reseller Administrator interface.
Ability to monitor allocated disk quota
Actively monitor the disk quotas allocated to sites.
Ability to customize the interface logo
Easily replace the interface logo with your custom logo, without restarting WEBppliance or any other service.
Enhanced online Help
The new online Help system provides instant access to searchable help about WEBppliance topics and tasks for each level of administration.
Updated services
WEBppliance includes the following new and updated services:
Tomcat 4.1 with JDK 1.4
Analog 5.1
Apache 1.3.22
BIND 9.1.3
Majordomo 1.94.5
FrontPage 5.0
Modperl 1.24
PHP 4.1.1
IMAP/POP3 2000c-15
ProFTPd 1.2.4
Python 2-2.1.2
Sendmail 8.11.6
SquirrelMail 1.2.5
MySQL 3.23.41
Tomcat 4.0.3
Miva 4.12