About creating sites

This topic contains the following:


A WEBppliance site is a DNS domain with Web, FTP, and email capabilities. When you first log on to WEBppliance as a Reseller, there are no sites. As the Reseller Administrator, you create the sites.

Each site that you create or host is capable of hosting its own set of email user accounts, and each email user account is capable of managing its own set of email services.

There are two ways to host sites:

  1. IP-based hosting-It involves creating a site with its own IP address. You must create IP-based sites if the site needs its own secure layer (SSL) support.

  2. Name-based hosting-It involves creating a site sharing the primary IP address of the server. Name-based sites receive most of the benefits of IP-based sites without occupying an IP address. All name-based sites have the same IP address.

Before creating any sites, you might want to create a Service Plan template. Templates are not required to create sites; however, they make the process of creating sites and establishing server applications for the sites easier and faster. There is no permanent link between a site and the Service Plan used to create it. Once a site is created it is independent of the Service Plan used to create it. The server applications and other settings associated with a site can be modified any time as desired

Before creating sites

Before creating a site or a default template for sites or server applications, you must have the following information available:

The following table lists the type of entries added to the DNS Server:





Name Server (NS)

Primary Nameserver/ host.domain.com


Name Server (NS)

Secondary Nameserver/ host2.domain.com


Host (A)

IP Address


Host (A)

IP Address


Host (A)

IP Address


Mail Exchanger (MX)



Host (A)

IP Address

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