Viewing the site list

From time to time, you may want to review the information on record for a site. The Site List form displays a list of all your sites currently hosted on the physical server, while the icons indicate the options that have been enabled for each site, and the actions or tasks that you can perform on the site. Click on an icon in the Action column to perform the related task.

To view a list of sites, follow these steps:

  1. From the left navigation bar, click Sites.

  2. In the sites menu, click Site List.
    The Sites List form opens with a list of existing sites.

Sorting the site list

The site list can also be sorted using the Site, IP Address, or Reseller parameter. To sort the sites, click the respective column name. The sites are sorted using the clicked parameter and re-listed in ascending or descending order. To change the sorting order, click the same column name again.

The site list can also be searched to locate specific site/s. To see more information about searching sites, click here.


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