Configuring sites

As the Reseller Administrator you may want to modify the settings for an existing site. For instance, you may want to modify the list of available options, assign a different Service Plan, toggle services, change the allocated disk space, change the maximum number of email users, or change the Quality of Service (QoS) values. For any, or all of these reasons, you will have to modify the site settings.

To configure a site:

  1. From the left navigation bar, click Sites.

  2. In the Sites Manager menu, click Site List.

  3. Locate the site you want to modify and in the Actions column, click Edit. The Edit Site form opens.

  4. In the Site Name field, choose one of the following option:

  5. In the Administrator User Name field, enter the Site Administrator user name using a name that is unique to this server. This name is the login name and is used to identify the user account for this site, and cannot match an existing name. Site Administrators can log on to their administrative interfaces using this name. The name can contain up to 20 uppercase or lowercase characters except for the following: " \ / [] : ; | = , + * ? < >. It cannot consist solely of periods (.).

  6. In the Administrator Password field, enter the Site Administrator password using a value up to 14 characters. Passwords are case-sensitive. The Site Administrator can change the password later.

  7. In the Confirm Administrator Password field, re-enter the password.

  8. In the Email Contact field, enter a contact email address for the Site Administrator using the format

  9. Optional:(Only for IP-based sites)In the IP Address field, choose one of the following options:

  10. In the Select a Service Plan field, click the arrow, and choose a Service Plan. The site settings are based on the   Service Plan that you choose.

  11. Specify or enter the following Advanced details in the form.

  12. Click Save.


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