See Host (A) record.
The actual numerical value of a quantity.
Short for ASCII-compatible encoding. The sequence of ASCII characters prefixed by xn-- that represents an internationalized domain name in its equivalent ASCII character set.
A detailed history of all actions executed on a system.
A user that has the login privileges required for access to a control panel.
A record that maps one host name to another. The target host does not have to be within a local domain.
A method of mapping a nickname to an actual email address. You can map aliases to mailboxes on your site's mail server, email addresses and other aliases.
An alias enables you to store files or documents within the local file system of the site instead of the document root. This is useful when you want to isolate a process or content and avert resource integrity violation by other virtual hosts on the server.
A script alias allows CGI scripts to be stored within the local file system of the site other than under the document root of the subdomain. For example if the cgi scripts are aliased to /usr/web/cgi-bin/, instead of the default /cgi-bin/, then a request for http://myscript/cgi-bin/search will run the script from /usr/web/cgi-bin/search. A script alias enables you to secure the integrity of script resources from other hosts on the server.
To assign resources for a specific task. This is often used to refer to memory use, disk space, bandwidth, or process cycles.
A program that compiles statistics about which Web pages are most popular, which countries people are visiting from, which Web site visitors tried to follow broken links from, and other such information.
A method by which files can be transferred over the Internet through FTP (File Transfer Protocol) without the use of a password or the creation of a user account.
The Apache Web Server answers requests from browsers, retrieves a requested file or executes a CGI script, and returns the document or script results.
A general term used to describe software components.
See ACE.
A mail utility that automatically sends a standard reply message to an email message. Same as responder.
A system utility that starts applications automatically at system startup.
The amount of transmission capacity assigned to a user or site.
The transmission capacity of a network or computer system. For sites, this includes the amount of data your site's Web server can transfer to and receive from other servers on the network over a given period of time.
The directory on a Web server where CGI scripts are typically stored.
A small program written in a language such as Perl, TCL, C, or C++ that functions between HTML pages and other programs on Web servers. A CGI script might allow search data to be entered on a Web page and sent to a database management system for lookup, then formatted and returned to a user as results.
A user interface through which commands can be sent to the control panel server using a command line rather than the graphical user interface. The Command Line Interface also allows the use of scripts for automating and streamlining many tasks.
A set of rules describing how a Web server should communicate with another application running on the same computer, and in reverse. Any program can be a CGI program if it can handle input and output according to the CGI standard.
The percentage of central processor unit time assigned to a user or a server.
A UNIX utility that runs a set of commands, contained in a special file, at a scheduled date and time. A cron job normally runs backup or other maintenance or background processes.
A log file that contains information from Internet browsers accessing a Web site. Whenever a visitor accesses a Web site, information about the visitor and the nature of the visit is recorded in this log file.
A character marking the beginning or end of a unit of data.
The percentage of change in a quantity.
The systematic distribution of an object.
A simulated file folder on a computer disk. Files and applications are typically stored in directories on computer systems.
The amount of disk space, in megabytes, assigned to a user.
The Document Root identifies the location from where the Web server will serve content to the browser. Content resources for a domain are located in the document root of the subdomain. For example, if your domain files are placed in the document root - /usr/web, then a request for will actually be sourced from the path - /usr/web/index.html
The server that translates domain names into IP addresses.
A computer that maintains a database of domain names and their corresponding IP addresses.
Name resolution software that translates alphabetic domain names into numeric IP addresses. The DNS server maintains a database of domain names and their corresponding IP addresses.
An alphabetic name that identifies one or more IP addresses.
An Internet address or a subsection of the Internet.
In graphical user interfaces, the act of using the mouse to move an icon or an object into a window or onto another icon or object.
A nickname mapped to one or more real email addresses. Aliases are commonly used for email distribution lists and for delivering the same email message to more than one email address at once.
A log file that contains information about errors encountered by visitors accessing a Web site, or information about problems with the Web server.
To copy data files and configuration files from one location to another location or FTP server to preserve usable copies in case of system failure. See also import.
In a network, the sharing of computer data or space by several users whose access privileges might vary.
A protocol used to transfer files over the Internet. FTP includes functions to log on to the network, list directories, and copy files. FTP operations can be performed by typing commands in a command line or by using an FTP utility running under a graphical interface. Anonymous FTP allows you to use an FTP site without a password and without creating a user account.
A pattern or mask through which only selected data is passed. Common filters include spam filters, which block email sent from specified sites.
A method for keeping a network secure.
Redirecting (or forwarding) your email messages from one mailbox to another. When you create a Forward on your email account, your email messages can be redirected to another location without the sender knowing the new address.
A protocol used to transfer files over the Internet. FTP includes functions to log on to the network, list directories, and copy files. FTP operations can be performed by typing commands in a command line or by using an FTP utility running under a graphical interface. Anonymous FTP allows you to use an FTP site without a password and without creating a user account.
In networking, a combination of hardware and software that links two different types of networks or applications.
An interface between a user and a computer that is graphics-based and incorporates icons, menus, and a mouse.
A logical division of users on a domain, for example, the Sales group. Also, the association that determines a user’s login privileges, for example, the super user group.
The directory assigned to a system user at login; the directory a user starts out in.
An IP address for forward mapping (host-name-to-IP-address). The opposite is reverse mapping, using a Pointer (PTR) record.
The name assigned to a computer.
HT user accounts (HT is derived from hypertext ), give users access to password-protected directories on the Web server. You manage HT user accounts through the Web server.
htaccess files (ht is derived from hypertext ) contain information about the authorization name for password-protected directories and the names of the groups who are allowed to access files contained within this directory.
Short for internationalized domain name. A domain name represented in local language (non-ASCII) characters, for example, http://www.fä
To completely or partially return your system to a previous file configuration state by uploading exported files from an archive.
A common mail server used for Internet email, similar to POP3, but in addition to holding incoming email messages until a user logs in to the email account and downloads the messages, it allows users to archive email messages into folders, share mailboxes with other users, access multiple mail servers at once, and more efficiently access mail attachments.
The protocol used to format packets and rules of transmission and reception over the Internet.
A site with a unique IP address.
The numeric identifier of a computer or device on the Internet. The format of an IP address is a 32-bit numeric address written as four numbers separated by periods. Each number can be zero to 255.
The information required to install an operating system onto a server. Images are files that contain information about a server, such as its passwords and network settings, as well as operating system data.
A method that allows for a clean installation of an operating system onto a server.
An official agreement between a user and a corporation on the use and support of its products.
A utility that simplifies administration of large log files. When log files reach a set threshold, Logrotate automatically compresses the log data, archives it in the same directory and populates the empty log file with fresh log data. Logs are thus rotated in this manner so that available disk space is not swamped.
A record that includes information about external mail servers.
The mailing list server application.
The maximum number of simultaneous processes that can run on a domain or server.
The maximum number of simultaneous users on a site or server.
The amount of memory assigned to a user.
A row of menu options on a user interface.
A service that allows you to support users who want to use Microsoft FrontPage to manage their Web sites.
A service that provides e-commerce support for sites.
A service that enables you to process and write CGI scripts.
A widely used relational database management system for SQL databases. A database management system allows you to add, access, and process data stored in an SQL database. A relational database stores data in related tables.
A service that allows you to work with SQL databases.
A site with a unique host name but shares an IP address with another server.
A record that specifies the host name of the DNS server managing the sub-domains hosted on a site.
A bit-mask that identifies the network number and host number components of an IP-Address.
The amount of network resources dedicated to a server.
A computer using NTP to broadcast accurate information about time.
A method used to send information over the Internet to synchronize the time of computer clients or servers with that of an accurate server or time source.
A manufacturer that sells equipment to a reseller for rebranding or repackaging. Also, when a reseller adds value to the product before reselling it, private labels the merchandise under its own name, or bundles it with its own products.
The route to a file on a disk. For example, if a file called index.html is located in a subfolder called html, and the html subfolder is located in folder called www, the path to index.html is: /www/html/index.html.
A service used to process dynamic Web pages. PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server-side, cross-platform, HTML embedded scripting language. Because it is compatible with networks using IMAP, SNMP, NNTP, POP3, or HTTP, it can easily manage dynamic Web page content.
A service used to manage SQL databases over the Internet. PHP MyAdmin can handle administering entire MySQL database servers or just a single database over the Internet by removing any platform-specific limitations.
A general term used to describe any tangible server.
A host name for reverse mapping (IP-address-to-host-name). The opposite is forward mapping, using a Host (A) record.
POP3 (Post Office Protocol, version 3) is a protocol used to retrieve e-mail from a mail server. IMAP (Internet Messaging Access Protocol) is a protocol that retrieves messages from the mail server. Using IMAP, you can search through your email messages using keywords and selectively download messages. The IMAP server allows users to archive email messages in folders, share mailboxes with other users, access multiple mail servers at one time, and more efficiently access email attachments.
A common mail server used for Internet email. It holds the incoming email messages until you log on to the email account and download the messages. All stored email messages and attachments are downloaded at the same time.
The main Domain Name System (DNS) server that translates alphabetic domain names into numeric IP addresses.
The number of processes a user can run simultaneously on a server. This number is based on the Service Level Agreement.
Settings that determine the characteristics of an account or a server.
An option that allows you to limit access to Web pages and data that resides on your server by using password protection.
See ACE.
A service used to write system utility programs and scripts. Python is a popular, object-oriented, interpretive scripting language used for writing system utilities and Internet scripts.
The ability to define a level of performance. QoS is enforced on all applications or scripts that run external to the Web browser (such as CGI and ASP scripts), but not on static HTML pages. The Default Plan is populated with the recommended QoS values; therefore, any site created using an unchanged Default Plan template is assigned this combination.
A temporary holding place for data.
A record contains specific DNS zone information.
To identify and associate a product with a company.
A mail utility that automatically sends a standard reply message to an email message. Same as autoresponder.
Name resolution software that looks up an IP address to obtain a domain name. It performs the opposite function of the DNS server, which turns names into IP addresses.
Moving or copying data files and configuration files on your server to a local system or FTP server at specified times.
A script alias allows CGI scripts to be stored within the local file system of the site other than under the document root of the subdomain. For example if the cgi scripts are aliased to /usr/web/cgi-bin/, instead of the default /cgi-bin/, then a request for http://myscript/cgi-bin/search will run the script from /usr/web/cgi-bin/search. A script alias is a valuable feature that enables you to secure the integrity of script resources from other hosts on the server.
The backup Domain Name System (DNS) server that translates alphabetic domain names into numeric IP addresses.
An Internet security protocol that encrypts data when it is transferred over the Internet. Enabling SSL allows you to transfer data securely between your Web server and your visitor's Internet browser.
An SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) mail server that routes SMTP email messages through the Internet to be stored on a mail server, such as POP3 or IMAP. SMTP is the most widely used email protocol on the Internet.
A computer used to connect a modem, mouse, scanner, or other serial device using the computer's serial interface.
A type of HTML comment that directs the Web server to dynamically generate data for the Web page whenever it is requested. An SSI includes a special sequence of characters (tokens) on an HTML page. As the page is sent from the HTTP server to the requesting client, the page is scanned by the server for these special tokens. When a token is found, the server interprets the data in the token and performs an action based on the token data.
A computer and other device that allocates and manages the sharing of resources for a network. A server provides information or other services to its clients. While a server usually refers to an entire machine, it can also refer to a particular daemon on that machine.
A contract between the provider and the user that specifies the level of service that is expected during its term.
A template that defines the default resource assignments and service offerings to be applied when creating new sites.
The organization that enables hosting services for a site.
A single client or service that can be installed on a server.
The most widely used email protocol on the Internet.
A network management protocol used for configuring and monitoring devices on IP networks.
Web sites are servers connected to the Internet. On Web sites, you can publish Web pages in a format called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). Anyone with a computer connected to the Internet can view Web pages using programs called a browsers, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or AOL/Netscape Navigator. Web sites can also be used to send and receive email.
The user that has the login privileges required for accessing the Site Administrator control panel. Sites have only one Site Administrator.
Page request statistics about your IIS Web or FTP server.
Spam filters are settings that enable your mail server to block email originating from the sites you specify.
Unsolicited or junk email messages.
A file that contains details about an object.
An email client that uses IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) to provide you access to your email messages directly on the Internet.
A service that provides secure remote access to a system over a network.
A service used to secure Web pages.
A record that indicates where the DNS zone starts, and specifies timing information for zone transfers. Zone transfers send lookup data from the primary name server to the secondary name server.
A smaller component of a root domain name.
Symbolic links are shortcuts that are usually placed in top-level directories to provide quick access to directories and files that lie deeper in the directory structure. Symbolic links are represented by grayed out icons.
The option allows you to specify a secondary DNS server in Ensim Pro.
An emulated site that includes a DNS domain with Web, FTP, and email capabilities. Each virtual site contains its own list of site user accounts. Each user account has its own set of Web and email services that can be managed by the virtual user.
A server that responds to requests from the Web browser. Your site's Web server is an Apache Web Server. It answers requests from browsers, retrieves a requested file or executes a CGI script, and returns the document or script results.
A free log file analysis application. Webalizer generates highly detailed usage statistics for Web and FTP servers in easily comprehensible graphical and tabular formats. The logs generated are a statistical encapsulation of user traffic on your server.
A data structure or software that contains (that is, “wraps around”) other data or software, so that the contained elements can exist in the newer system.
A unit of domain name space managed by one DNS server; a domain.