Overview of AnnounceIt!
AnnounceIt! is a control panel message board that you and your resellers can use to publish messages to your customers. You can use AnnounceIt! to promote or announce new offerings to your customers and notify them of upgrades or maintenance activities that may affect their business operations.
You can publish messages to the reseller accounts and sites that you create. However, you cannot send messages or notifications to sites created by any of your resellers.
By default, AnnounceIt! displays notifications from Ensim. These notifications are not sent to your resellers. You can choose to receive or block these messages.
Ensim uses AnnounceIt! to notify you of critical business updates. You can choose to receive or block these messages by updating the default settings.
License messages
The following license messages are displayed:
Grace period. The following message is displayed: Ensim Pro has been unable to contact the Ensim License Server and is currently in grace period. Ensure that you are connected to the network and that your firewall configuration is not blocking access to the Ensim License Server.
Unable to contact Ensim License Server during the last attempt. The following message is displayed: Ensim Pro was unable to contact the Ensim License Server during the last attempt. Ensure that you are connected to the network and that your firewall configuration is not blocking access to the Ensim License Server.
Miscellaneous news/updates/announcements
Messages regarding release of hotfixes, service updates, and other product announcements pertinent to you and your customers are displayed.
Using AnnounceIt!, you can:
View the list of messages
Add messages
Update messages
Update AnnounceIt! settings
Delete messages