Scheduling exports
When you schedule an export, you automate the export to occur at a pre-set date, time, and location.
To schedule an export, in the shortcuts section of the Home page, click Export (Tools section), then click Schedule Export. The Export window opens. Click Schedule Export. Follow the wizard to schedule an export.
go to wizard Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4
You need to choose the type of export (Complete, Reseller, Site), enter the export schedule information, provide necessary FTP account details, and other miscellaneous information.
wizard Step1: Choose the type of export
Choose the type of export, by selecting one of the following option buttons in the Type of Export area.
Resellers (if available)
Click the arrow in the Resellers list, and choose one of the following.
All - To export all the reseller accounts on the server
<name of the reseller> - To export a particular reseller. Press Ctrl and the left mouse button to select multiple resellers.
Note: An "All" reseller export is not the same as a Complete export. The server configuration information is not exported in an All reseller export.
Click the arrow in the Sites list, and choose one of the following.
All - To export all the sites hosted on the server
<name of the site> - To export a particular site. Press Ctrl and the left mouse button to select multiple sites.
wizard Step2: Enter the export Schedule information
Select the frequency at which you want to export data.
Important: You may want to schedule a daily export for premium sites, demanding applications, or volatile data entities.
Select any one of the options in the Frequency field.
Daily - Exports files daily at the scheduled time
Weekly - Exports files weekly at the scheduled day and time
Monthly - Exports files monthly at the scheduled date and time
Click the arrow in the Minutes list, and select a number between 0 and 59.
Click the arrow in the Hours list, and select a number between 0 and 23.
Click the arrow in the Day of Week list, and select a day between Sunday and Saturday.
Click the arrow in the Day of Month list, and select a number between 1 and 31.
Important: If you select a value in the Day of Month field that is not common to all the months, the export fails to run as scheduled on certain months. For example, if you select 31, no export will be initiated on months that contain 30 or 28 days.
wizard Step3: Enter FTP information
In the FTP Server field, enter the name of the FTP server you want to use as the export server.
In the FTP Login field, enter the user name of your account on the FTP server.
In the FTP Password field, enter the password of your account on the FTP server.
In the FTP Location field, enter the complete path to the export directory on the FTP server.
Important: If you leave the field blank or the specified directory does not exist, the export fails and an email message containing the error is sent to you.
wizard Step4: Enter miscellaneous information
Optional: In the Maximum Export File Size field, enter the maximum size of the export file, and click the arrow in the Unit field to select the appropriate data quantifying unit (Megabytes or Gigabytes).
Important: Various file systems and FTP server utilities have limits on the file size they can handle. If the size of your export file exceeds the file management threshold of the file system or the FTP server utility on your export server, the files are split into multiple files before continuing with the export operation. The split files follow the naming convention as given below: <exportfilename.tar.gz> <exportfilename.1.tar.gz> <exportfilename.2.tar.gz> where exportfilename is the name of your export file.
In the Email field, enter the email address at which you want to receive export status notifications.
Click Schedule.
The list of scheduled exports is updated.