Importing archived data

You must have FTP access to import files.

Review the following important notes before you import files.

Importing files is a two-step process.

You need to:

Importing archived data

To import data, in the shortcuts section of the Home page, click Import (Tools section).  

Go To wizard step1 step2

You need to specify the FTP server details and select the files to import.

wizard Step1: Enter FTP information

  1. In the FTP Server field, enter the name of the FTP server where you have archived the exported data.

  2. In the FTP Login field, enter the user name of your account on the FTP server.

  3. In the FTP Password field, enter the password of your account on the FTP server.

  4. In the FTP Location field, enter the complete path to the export directory on the FTP server.

  5. In the Email field, enter the email address at which you want to receive export status notifications.

  6. Click Connect.

wizard Step2: Select files to import

  1. Select the check boxes next to the files you want to import.

  2. Note: Files split into multiple files during an export can be imported as a single file. Select the main export file (<exportfilename>.tar.gz), then select the Enable Recurse check box (displayed at the end of the file listing). Do not select the individual files (<exportfilename>.<x>.tar.gz> where <x> indicates each individual file) that constitute the main export file.

  1. Click Import.

The status of the import is conveyed to the email address specified in the Email field.