Preventing further deployment of a tool

You can disable a tool if you want to prevent sites from installing it. There are two ways to disable a tool:

When you disable a tool at the site level, you prevent the site from installing it. When you disable a tool at the system level, you prevent all sites from installing it.

When you disable a tool, existing installations are not affected. You cannot remove site installations from the Server Administrator control panel; existing installations can be removed only from the Site Administrator control panel.

To disable a tool at the site level:

  1. In the shortcuts section of the Home page, click List Sites (Sites section).

  2. Locate the site for which you want to disable the tool, and in the Actions column, click . The Edit Site form opens.

  3. In the Power Tools section at the bottom of the form, clear the check box next the tool you want to disable for the site. To disable all tools, clear the check box next to Enable Power Tools.

  4. Click Update Site.

The tool is no longer available to the site through the Site Administrator control panel. However, the existing installations are not affected.

To disable the tool at the system level:

  1. In the shortcuts section of the Home page, click Power Tools (Tools section).

  2. Click , in the Actions column of the tool you want to disable.

The tool is no longer available to any site through the Site Administrator control panel. However, the existing installations of the tool are not affected.