Changing the name of the primary server

The Primary name server, as the name implies is the primary authoritative server for the domain. The Primary name server sources data authoritative for the zone from a file called the zone data file.

When you add a zone to the DNS server, you must provide at least two name servers for the zone: a primary name server and a secondary, or backup, name server.

To change the primary DNS server name:

  1. In the shortcuts section of the Home page, click Name Servers (DNS section). The list of name servers are displayed.

  2. Locate Primary Master in the server list and in the Actions column, click Edit. The Primary Master Setting form opens.

  3. In the Primary Master FQDN field, do one of the following:

  4. Click Update.

  5. Note: If you are not using Ensim Pro as a DNS server, these settings are not used.