A Mail Exchanger (MX) record specifies a mail server for
the domain other than the SMTP
server provided by Ensim Pro. You can designate more than one external
mail server for the domain.
the shortcuts section of the ,
click Zones (DNS section).
In the Zone List
form, locate the zone you want to add a record to, and in the Actions
column, click
. The Record List form opens. It displays
all existing records for the zone.
Click Add
MX Record. The Update Mail Exchanger (MX) Record form opens.
In the Mail Domain field, enter the name of the subdomain this
mail server will serve; for example, Mall.acme.east.com.
In the Mail Server field,
enter the name of the mail server that will serve your domain.
If you are designating more than one external mail server for the domain,
use the Precedence field to set the delivery priority among the
mail servers.
The lower the number in this field, the higher the priority. For example,
if you have two mail servers, you could assign a delivery priority of
3 to one server and 4 to the other. Mail would be delivered to the precedent
3 mail server first. If delivery fails there, it would be delivered to
the precedent 4 mail server.