Viewing domain bandwidth usage reports

Bandwidth usage reports are helpful for monitoring how much network traffic is on a domain. You can use the information from these reports for your billing needs.

Bandwidth usage reports are updated every five minutes. The reports include cumulative network traffic statistics for the current monitoring session, which spans one month. You can specify the start day of the monitoring session for a domain. You set the start day as part of the Service Plan options you select when you create the domain.

Once per day, an email message is sent notifying you of domains that are over their assigned bandwidth usage limits. If no domains are over the limit that day, you will not receive a notification that day.

You can:

Viewing current domain bandwidth usage reports

You can view bandwidth usage of all of your domains for the current monitoring session. The information shown includes all bandwidth usage from the start of the monitoring session to the current day. If the domain is new, the information shown includes only statistics starting from the day the domain was created to the current day.

To view current bandwidth usage reports:

  1. Open the Bandwidth Usage window.

  2. In the Bandwidth Usage menu, if it is not already selected, click Current Usage Reports.

  3. The Usage Reports form opens listing all the domains that have usage report statistics available.

    The columns in this form include:

Viewing past domain bandwidth usage reports

Once the current monitoring session ends, information about bandwidth usage for the month is moved to the Last Usage Reports form. This form shows a summary of the amount of network traffic that occurred for all of your domains during the last monitoring session. WEBppliance only displays usage reports from the most recently concluded monitoring session.

To view past domain bandwidth usage reports:

  1. Open the Bandwidth Usage window.

  2. In the Bandwidth Usage menu, click Last Usage Reports.

  3. The Usage Reports form opens listing domains and a summary of their bandwidth usage for the last month.

View bandwidth usage reports for a specific domain

You can view detailed bandwidth usage about a specific domain. The information shown includes all bandwidth usage from the start of the monitoring session to the current day.

To view bandwidth usage details about a specific domain:

  1. Open the Bandwidth Usage window.

  2. In the Bandwidth Usage menu, if it is not already selected, click Current Usage Reports. The Usage Reports form opens displaying all the domains that have usage report statistics available.

  3. In the Sites column, locate the domain whose report you want to view, and click the underlined name of that domain, for example, click

  4. The Usage Report form for that domain opens. The upper section of the form shows the bandwidth usage for the entire domain. The lower section shows details of bandwidth usage by individual services on the domain.

About entire domain bandwidth usage statistics

The columns in this section include:

About individual services bandwidth usage statistics

The columns in this section include:

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