Backing up WEBppliance configuration settings

If you have FTP access, you can back up your WEBppliance configuration settings at any time using the Backup/Restore Manager.

The backup saves data from the following directories to the FTP server you specify.

These directories contain data about spam filter settings.

Before you begin

Before you begin backing up your WEBppliance configuration settings, have the following information ready.

Backing up your configuration settings

To back up your configuration settings:

  1. Open the Backup/Restore Manager.

  2. In the Backup/Restore Manager menu, click Appliance Backup. The Appliance Backup form opens.

  3. In the FTP Server field, enter the name of the FTP server you want to use as the backup server.

  4. In the FTP Login field, enter the login user name to the FTP server.

  5. In the FTP Password field, enter the login password to the FTP server.

  6. In the Password (confirm) field, enter the login password again.

  7. In the FTP Location field, enter the directory path of the directory on the FTP server you want to use as the backup directory. If you want to save your files to the home directory on the FTP server, leave the field blank.

  8. Note: If the specified directory does not exist, the backup fails and email message is sent to you about the error.

  1. In the Email field, enter the email address where you want to receive email status notifications. If you do not want to receive email notifications, leave the field blank.

  2. Click Backup.

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