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Changing the Web server configuration

You can configure the Web server to serve Web requests on any port, apart from the default port 80.

To change the Web server configuration:

  1. In the shortcuts section of the Home page, click Web Server (Services section).

  2. In the Web Server Configuration form, click Edit Configuration.

  3. In the Web Server Name field, enter the fully qualified domain name of the Web server.

  4. In the Web Server Administrator field, enter the email address of the person responsible for managing the server.

  5. In the Number of Servers field, enter the number of servers that start up when the Web server starts.

  1. Note: Increasing this number leads to consumption of server resources, but also improves server responsiveness.

  1. In the Port field, type the port number of the Web server.

  2. Note: You may type 80 or a valid port number greater than 1024.

  1. In the SSL Port field, type the port number of the SSL service.

  2. Note: You may type 443 or a valid port number greater than 1024.

  1. In the Host Name Lookups field, select the check box if you want host names to be resolved; otherwise, leave the check box blank. Host name lookups determine the host names of every Web connection and note them in the log files.

  1. Note: This process can slow down the Web server.

  1. In the Maximum Clients field, enter the maximum number of simultaneous Web server connections.

  2. Note: Each connection generates a process, consequently, too many connections can slow or stop the server; however, if you specify too few simultaneous connections, it can slow down the responsiveness of the Web server.

  1. Click Update.

  2. To make these changes effective, restart the Web server.

  1. Note: Services hosted on the Web server will be inaccessible for the length of time required to restart the Web server.