
About creating domains

When WEBppliance is first installed, it has no domains. As the Appliance Administrator, you can create the domains. Make sure you have all the required information before you start.

There are two ways to host domains. The first is to create the domain with its own IP address. This is called IP-based hosting. You must create IP-based domains if the domain needs anonymous FTP and its own secure-site (SSL) support.

The second way to host domains is to create a domain that shares the primary IP address of the server. This is called name-based hosting. Name-based domains receive most of the benefits of an IP-based domain without occupying an IP address. 

All of WEBppliance’s standard set of server applications are available to IP-based and name-based domains, except SSL encryption. SSL is not supported for name-based domains.

A domain created with WEBppliance provides Web, FTP, and email server applications. Each domain includes user accounts with their own set of server applications.

Before creating any domains, you might want to create a Service Plan template. Templates are not required to create domains; however, they can make creating multiple domains and establishing services for the domains easier and faster.

You can create and manage domains using the Sites Manager.

When a user with an alias is removed, the alias can still remain (as it may be referenced by other aliases), but the target user name is replaced by site_blackhole. When an email is sent to this alias, it goes to site_blackhole.

Before you begin

Before you create a domain or default templates for domains or services, you need the following information.

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